Billie Eilish - NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY [lyrics]
The song 'NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY' by Billie Eilish challenges societal norms and body shaming. The lyrics address the criticism she receives for her music, clothes, and body. She questions why people …
The song 'NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY' by Billie Eilish challenges societal norms and body shaming. The lyrics address the criticism she receives for her music, clothes, and body. She questions why people …
The author shares their experience with bodypainting and how it taught them physical confidence and body positivity. They emphasize the importance of taking care of your body through exercise, health…
This article emphasizes that people should not define themselves by their physical appearance. Instead, they should focus on their inner qualities such as their personality, ideas, and abilities. The…
In this post, the author shares their experience of being called names due to their height and how it affected their self-esteem. They later joined model courses and gained a new perspective on thems…
Статья о том, что все тела равны и что нормально иметь особенности внешности, такие как растяжки, шрамы, пигментные пятна и целлюлит. Автор выступает за свободу выбора в одежде и против ограничений, …