personal experience

#ALEXlearns (61) #queerALEX (6)

In this text, the author expresses doubts about the necessity of transgender surgery for themselves. They question whether they are a non-binary person or a transgender woman. The author is afraid of…

Alcohol free for 10 years💙

Страница о том, как автор прожила 10 лет без алкоголя, как это повлияло на ее жизнь и эмоции. Автор дает советы и поддержку тем, кто хочет начать жить без алкоголя.

Escaping the Misery of Russia: A Personal Account

The author shares their personal experience of escaping the misery of Russia through fiction. They express their frustration with the government's decision to start a war, which they see as an absurd…