Fratello Natanaele commenta sul comportamento degli ebrei in America e la loro presunta influenza negativa sugli affari americani. In particolare, si concentra su Janet Yellen, il Ministro del Tesoro…
Fratello Natanaele commenta sul comportamento degli ebrei in America e la loro presunta influenza negativa sugli affari americani. In particolare, si concentra su Janet Yellen, il Ministro del Tesoro…
This text discusses the dark side of America, including police brutality, media lies, political corruption, and conspiracy theories. It highlights the government's surveillance tactics and the injust…
The song 'The Roots of America' talks about the violence, brutality, and hysteria that have become the roots of America. The lyrics describe the dying streets, riot flags, and poor and weak people wh…
Il testo parla dell'emigrazione dall'Europa all'America e dei vantaggi che essa offre agli emigranti. Si fa un parallelo con l'emigrazione verso le città libere dell'impero germanico e si sottolinea …
Lise Safrati is a French photographer who has captured the beauty in decay and change through her works. She has photographed decaying industrial sites and abandoned young people in Russia, and solit…
Lise Safrati is a French photographer who has captured the beauty in decay and change through her works in Russia and America. Her first book, Acta Est, showcases her photographs of decaying industri…
Richard, a scandalous English politician, was exiled from England for theft and moved to the US. He devised several plans to come to power again and his main achievement is the death of his competito…