
50 phrases for conversation!

This page provides a list of 50 useful phrases for conversation, including expressions for agreement, encouragement, relaxation, indifference, and more. Each phrase is presented in English and Russia…

70 English Phrases for Pleasant Conversation

This article provides 70 standard phrases for various situations in communication, including introductions, getting to know someone, and reducing formality. The phrases are useful for those who want …

50 phrases for conversation!

This article provides a list of 50 useful phrases for conversation, including expressions for agreement, disagreement, reassurance, and indifference. Each phrase is accompanied by its English transla…

Useful Phrases for Writing an Essay

This page provides a list of useful phrases for writing an essay. It includes phrases for introducing ideas, expressing opinions, contrasting viewpoints, and more. These phrases can help improve the …

Phrases for a Business Conversation

This page provides a list of useful phrases for a business conversation, including apologies for delays, responses to letters and inquiries, confirmation of information, and drawing attention to impo…

50 phrases for conversation!

This page provides a list of 50 useful phrases for conversation, including expressions for agreement, encouragement, relaxation, indifference, and more. Each phrase is accompanied by its translation …

10 Most Popular Romantic Russian Phrases

Learn the 10 most popular romantic Russian phrases, including how to ask for someone's phone number, express your feelings, and show physical affection. Also includes tags related to teaching, jobs, …

Cooking: Vocabulary and Phrases

Learn essential cooking vocabulary and phrases in English, including how to cut, chop, slice, grate, peel, stir, pour, bake, boil, broil, roast, steam, and fry. Also, discover the names of common kit…

Cooking: Vocabulary and Phrases

Learn essential cooking vocabulary and phrases in English, including how to boil an egg, peel an orange, sharpen scissors, and more. Also, find out how to use the expression 'to be used to' in differ…

English Introductory Words and Phrases

This page provides a list of common introductory words and phrases in English, along with their meanings and usage examples. These words and phrases can be used to introduce a topic, provide addition…

Useful Phrases for Business Correspondence

This page provides a list of useful phrases for business correspondence, including phrases for financial support, awaiting further commands, international experience, informing, conditions, importanc…