fun facts

Things About Me

Get to know me better with these fun facts! From my favorite smell to my dream job, my pet peeves to my favorite holiday, and more. Find out if we have anything in common and join in on the copy and …

Fun Facts About Dancers: A Pointe of View

Discover some fun and quirky facts about dancers, from their modesty to their quick costume changes. Learn about their comfort with their bodies and even their knowledge of the universe before the Bi…

50 Surprising Facts You Never Knew About Gold

Discover 50 fascinating facts about gold, including its origins, mining, and uses. Did you know that there is more steel created per hour than there has been gold dug up throughout history? Or that a…

69 Fun Facts About the UK

Discover 69 interesting and surprising facts about the UK, from the true meaning of Big Ben to the fact that there are over 300 languages spoken in England. Learn about the history of London, the Roy…

23 Everyday Things You Never Knew Had Names

Discover the names of 23 everyday objects that you never knew had names, from the dot over an 'i' or 'j' to the white crescent-shaped part at the top of a nail. Learn about the meaning behind terms l…