
Finding a Wife for Isaac

Abraham's servant travels to Nahor to find a wife for Isaac. He prays to God for a sign and Rebekah appears, offering water to him and his camels. The servant gives her gifts and asks if there is roo…

Abraham's Servant Seeks a Wife for Isaac

Abraham instructs his senior servant to find a wife for his son Isaac from his own relatives and not from the Canaanites. The servant swears an oath to fulfill this task and is assured by Abraham tha…

Abraham Buys a Burial Site for Sarah

Abraham seeks to buy a burial site for his wife Sarah and negotiates with the Hittites to purchase the cave of Machpelah from Ephron son of Zohar. After some back and forth, Abraham agrees to pay fou…

Abraham and Abimelek Make a Treaty

Abimelek and Phicol acknowledge God's presence with Abraham and make a treaty with him. Abraham complains about a well of water that Abimelek's servants had seized, but they make a deal and Abraham g…

The Story of Hagar and Ishmael

Abraham's wife Sarah asked him to send away Hagar and her son Ishmael. God promised to make Ishmael into a great nation. Hagar and Ishmael wandered in the desert, but God provided water for them. Ish…

Abraham and Abimelek in Gerar

Abraham and his wife Sarah stayed in Gerar where he claimed that Sarah was his sister. Abimelek, the king of Gerar, took Sarah but God warned him in a dream that she was a married woman. Abimelek ret…

God's Promise to Abraham and Sarah

God promises Abraham and Sarah a son, despite their old age. He renames Sarai to Sarah and establishes a covenant with Isaac. Ishmael is also blessed and circumcised along with Abraham and his househ…