science fiction

The First Sister Trilogy by Linden A. Lewis

The First Sister trilogy by Linden A. Lewis is a science fiction trilogy consisting of three books. The first book, The First Sister, follows the story of a priestess of the Sisterhood who is forced …

Book Review 130

The book 'This Is My Funniest: Leading Science Fiction Writers Present Their Funniest Stories Ever' edited by Mike Resnick features stories from famous Sci-Fi authors. However, the book falls short a…

The Failed Experiment: A Tale of Love and Hunger

A creature created in a laboratory experiment goes wrong and is too aggressive, too hungry, too stupid, and too ugly. It runs away from its creators and searches for food and love shelter. It meets a…

An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon

An Unkindness of Ghosts is a science fiction novel by Rivers Solomon that explores themes of race, class, and power. The story follows Aster, a dark-skinned sharecropper living in the low-deck slums …