barter system

Some Examples of Barter Transactions

The article discusses the barter system and provides examples of bartering for goods and services, including consumer goods, consumer services, and modern advertising services. It also explains the l…

Advantages of Money over Barter System

Money has several advantages over the barter system, including serving as a medium of exchange, measure of value, store of value, and standard of deferred payments. It has simplified borrowing and le…

Barter Window - A Simple Product Exchange System

Barter Window is a free product exchange system that aims to eliminate the liquidity crisis by allowing users to trade, swap, and replace anything without the use of money. The advantages of the bart…

Difficulties of Barter System

Barter system involves various difficulties and inconveniences such as the requirement of double coincidence of wants and absence of common measure of value. These difficulties create problems and wa…

Barter Window: The Simplest Means of Trading

Barter Window (BW) is an online platform that offers a barter system for trading services or goods without the need for money. The website aims to eliminate the liquidity crisis by allowing users to …