
Another Day, Another Fight: A Poem

The poem describes a never-ending war between two sides, where both enjoy the struggle but know it's not right. They continue to fight, tearing pieces from each other and feeling hatred, but they hol…

Клеветникам России

Страница содержит стихотворение Александра Пушкина 'Клеветникам России', написанное в 1831 году. В стихотворении автор обращается к критикам России и призывает не вмешиваться в споры между славянским…

33-летняя женщина, изнасилованная рашистами, рассказала о пережитом ужасе

33-летняя женщина, которую изнасиловали рашисты, рассказала о пережитом ужасе в интервью The Times. Их посёлок недалеко от Броваров оккупировали 8 марта, на следующий день российские военные вломилис…

To Rule in a Turbulent World

The story is about a young emperor who is faced with a difficult decision of whether to trade his father and elder brother, who are in captivity, for a ceasefire with the Tartars. His family had trea…

Escaping the Misery of Russia: A Personal Account

The author shares their personal experience of escaping the misery of Russia through fiction. They express their frustration with the government's decision to start a war, which they see as an absurd…

Tears of Autumn - A Poem of War and Glory

Tears of Autumn is a poem that depicts the glory of war and the triumph of the Fuhrer and his Volk. The poem describes the battle fury and the flames of hearts that lead to victory. It also portrays …

Nevermind by Leonard Cohen

Nevermind is a poem by Leonard Cohen about a person who has left their old life behind and lives among others, well disguised. The poem talks about the war that was lost and the treaty that was signe…

Генерал-майор Иссам Захреддин (09.09.1961 - 18.10.2017)

Генерал-майор Иссам Захреддин - легенда сирийской армии, который погиб в бою. Статья рассказывает о его последнем походе на военный аэродром Дейр эз-Зора, где он прибыл, чтобы увидеть защитников аэро…

The Hypocrisy of 'Ban Protests'

The article highlights the hypocrisy of the Western liberal-left in regards to immigration controls and war. The author points out that advocating for visa restrictions is seen as worse than launchin…

Illegal Immigration: Should It Be Stopped?

The article discusses the issue of illegal immigration and its impact on the society. It highlights the reasons behind illegal immigration and the negative consequences it brings. The author also pre…