Economics and Business
The page features books on investing and business, including 'NeuroInvesting: Build a New Investing Brain' by Wai-Yee Chen, which explains how investors can rewire their brains to make better investi…
The page features books on investing and business, including 'NeuroInvesting: Build a New Investing Brain' by Wai-Yee Chen, which explains how investors can rewire their brains to make better investi…
This page offers three eBooks on mathematics: Wavelet Analysis on the Sphere, Student Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Larson's Trigonometry, and Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus. The bo…
This page features a list of language learning books, including Spanish Phrases For Dummies, Russian For Dummies, Korean For Dummies, French For Dummies, and Essential Japanese Vocabulary. Each book …
This page features a list of books on economics and business, including 'Two Thousand Years of Economic Statistics' by Alexander V. Avakov, 'The Rise of the Midwestern Meat Packing Industry' by Marga…
This page features five books related to engineering technology, including Innovation, Engineering and Entrepreneurship by José Machado, Beginning STM32: Developing with FreeRTOS, libopencm3 and GCC …
This page features a list of books related to engineering technology, including topics such as intelligence communication, coding techniques for mobile communications, anatomy of robots, and microele…
This page features books on various topics related to engineering technology, including ecosystems knowledge, shipboard power systems design, internet of things, and cooperative spectrum sensing. The…
This page features books on various topics related to engineering technology, including Musicality of Human Brain through Fractal Analytics, Dependable Multicore Architectures at Nanoscale, Arduino p…