
Art на Бали: живопись маслом и изделия из дерева

Страница о том, как на Бали можно наслаждаться живописью маслом и находиться в окружении изделий из дерева. Автор рассказывает о своих впечатлениях и планах по посещению мастерских художников и масте…

Revolutions by Sea Ali Farahani & RAAM BAND

Revolutions By Sea is an Art/Music/History boat experience featuring local and international artists across various genres of world music, ethnic sounds and intelligent electronica supported by local…

Курс Art & Science от Дмитрия Булатова

Курс Art & Science от Дмитрия Булатова - это увлекательное путешествие в мир науки и искусства. Лектор Дмитрий Булатов рассказывает о проектах, которые объединяют эти две области. Одним из таких прое…

Художник Николай Рерих и его исторические картины

Художник Николай Рерих с детства увлекался историей и археологией, что определило тематику его произведений. Он считал, что историческая картина должна переносить зрителя в минувшую эпоху. В картине …

Художественная обработка фото модели Jj Style

Страница посвящена художественной обработке фото модели Jj Style. Автор рассказывает о своих творческих планах и проблемах, а также предоставляет ссылки на свои профили в социальных сетях.

Хвостатые герои: как животные помогали побеждать на войне

Статья рассказывает о животных, которые помогали на полях сражений 20-го века. В ней упоминаются канарейки, использовавшиеся для обнаружения химического оружия, морской кабан Тирпиц, который был тали…


ASCII art is a form of art that is created by arranging characters from the ASCII character set to form a pattern or image. It is a popular form of text-based art and can be found in various forms su…

CardiDraw - me_and_my_friends_colored_edition - Art

Рассказ о том, как автор нарисовал своих друзей в масках и как они познакомились. Автор выражает свою любовь и уважение к своим друзьям и говорит, что они все офигенные и невероятные.

CardiDraw, me_and_my_friends, Art

Сообщение благодарности и признания величия друзей, которые являются личностями, с которыми всегда интересно общаться, веселиться и проводить время.

Танк Леман Русс в разрезе (by Gray-Skull) #Art #Warhammer40k

Танк Леман Русс - самый массовый танк Империума, участвовавший в сражениях на всех фронтах уже больше десяти тысяч лет. Статья описывает двигатель, ходовую часть и другие особенности танка.

Международный конкурс Arte Laguna Prize (Венеция): продолжается прием заявок

Продолжается прием заявок в международном конкурсе Arte Laguna Prize (Венеция) в секциях: живопись, скульптура и инсталляция, видео-арт и короткометражные фильмы, перформанс, виртуальное искусство, ц…


ASCII art is a form of art that is created by arranging characters from the ASCII character set to form a pattern or image. It is a popular form of text-based art and can be found in various forms su…

The Nature of Art: Means vs Goal

This text explores the nature of art and its purpose. It argues that art is a means of communication between human beings and that all means are equally appropriate. The author emphasizes that nature…


ASCII art is a form of art that is created by arranging characters from the ASCII character set to form a pattern or image. This form of art has been around since the early days of computing and is s…


ASCII art is a form of art that is created by arranging characters from the ASCII character set to form a pattern or image. This form of art has been around since the early days of computing and is s…


ASCII art is a form of art that is created by arranging characters from the ASCII character set to form a pattern. This form of art is popular in text-based communication such as email, chat, and for…


ASCII art is a form of art that is created by arranging characters from the ASCII character set to form a pattern or image. This form of art has been around since the early days of computing and is s…


ASCII art is a form of art that is created by arranging characters from the ASCII character set to form a pattern or image. This form of art has been around since the early days of computing and is s…

Смерть аламозавра: пиршество хищников в позднемеловом Хелл-Крик

Смерть аламозавра в позднемеловом Хелл-Крик привела к пиршеству хищников всех мастей. Труп последнего зауропода Северной Америки растаскивают на куски крокодилы, тираннозавры, кетцалькоатль и маленьк…


ASCII art is a form of digital art that is created by arranging characters from the ASCII character set to form a pattern. This form of art has been around since the early days of computing and is st…


ASCII art is a form of art that is created by arranging characters from the ASCII character set to form a pattern or image. It is a popular form of digital art and can be found in various forms such …


ASCII art is a form of art that is created by arranging characters from the ASCII character set to form a pattern or image. It is a popular form of digital art and can be found in various forms such …


ASCII art is a form of digital art that is created by arranging characters from the ASCII character set to form a pattern. This form of art has been around since the early days of computing and is st…


ASCII art is a form of digital art that is created by arranging characters from the ASCII character set to form a pattern or image. It is a popular form of art in the text-based online communities an…


ASCII art is a form of art that is created by arranging characters from the ASCII character set to form a pattern or image. It is a popular form of digital art and can be found in various forms such …


This page contains ASCII art created using text characters. There are five different pieces of art displayed, each using a different set of characters to create the image.


This page contains an ASCII art of the dollar sign and a brief introduction to ASCII art. ASCII art is a form of art that uses characters from the ASCII character set to create images. It was popular…


This page contains ASCII art made out of numbers and underscores. There are three different designs displayed on the page.


This page contains ASCII art made out of zeros and ones. There are three different images displayed, each made up of zeros and ones arranged in a specific pattern. The first image is a square made up…


This page contains an ASCII art of a castle and a list of tags related to ASCII art and text art.


This page contains an ASCII art made up of dollar signs and underscores. The art is repeated three times with slight variations. No further information or context is provided.


This page contains ASCII art made out of zeros. There are four different designs, each made up of zeros and spaces. The designs are arranged in a grid pattern.


This page contains ASCII art made out of zeros. There are four different designs, each made up of zeros and spaces. The designs are arranged in a grid pattern.


This page contains ASCII art made out of zeros. There are four different designs, each made up of zeros and spaces. The designs are arranged in a grid pattern.


This page contains various examples of ASCII art, which is a form of art created using characters from the ASCII character set. The examples include images of animals, objects, and patterns.


This page contains ASCII art made out of zeros. There are four different designs, each made up of zeros and spaces. The designs are arranged in a grid pattern.


This page contains an ASCII art of a castle and a list of tags related to ASCII art and text art.


This page contains ASCII art made out of zeros. There are four different designs, each made up of zeros and spaces. The designs are arranged in a grid pattern.


This page contains an ASCII art of a cat and some text in ASCII format. ASCII art is a form of art that uses characters from the ASCII character set to create images. It was popular in the early days…