Swami Mukundananda - The Power of Thoughts
Discover the power of your thoughts with Swami Mukundananda, a world-renowned spiritual teacher and mind-management authority. Learn how to transform your thoughts, dismantle harmful thought structur…
Discover the power of your thoughts with Swami Mukundananda, a world-renowned spiritual teacher and mind-management authority. Learn how to transform your thoughts, dismantle harmful thought structur…
Практикуйте медитацию, чтобы быть здоровыми и счастливыми. Счастье – неотъемлемое право каждого человека, и оно придёт к вам, если вы научитесь быть стойкими и уравновешенными. Занимайся вместе со мн…
The mind is like a wild horse, never staying still for very long. Anapana meditation helps to draw the mind back to a particular object or base, bringing it under control. This is achieved by noting …
Sri Ramana Maharshi suggests that fasting should be primarily mental, and regulating eating habits is more effective for spiritual progress. However, if one maintains a spiritual outlook during a fas…
26 сентября 2022 года в Санкт-Петербурге состоится музыкальное действие в двух частях: Русская сюита для Ганеши и Сутра сердца совершенной мудрости. Билеты на танцпол от 350 рублей. Мероприятие пройд…
To increase your powers and help spread Sahaja Yoga, you must trust yourself fully and work on yourself through intensive meditation and collective work. You must also develop your depths and dimensi…
На Телеграмм канале LeoKutuzov начинается курс «Медитация и мозг», где будут разбираться влияние медитации на тело и психику. Первые ролики будут посвящены общим принципам практики и работы мозга. Ку…
The article emphasizes the importance of honesty in seeking and putting one's full heart into Sahaja Yoga. It explains the connection between the Sahasrara and heart chakra and warns against superfic…
The Gayatri Mantra is a powerful mantra that is used for meditation and spiritual growth. It is a prayer to the Absolute, the source of all creation, and is meant to help the meditator achieve union …
The article discusses the easiest way to meditate, which is to begin by listening to the sounds around you without judgment or identification. The author advises against repressing thoughts and inste…
A collection of Kundalini mantras and meditative tracks from various artists, including Marcus Bleecker, Rev. Yolanda, John & Amy, Liv Avtar, The Sat Nam Sessions, GuruGanesha Singh, AkalStars, and A…
Practice mindfulness for your peace, bliss, and self-improvement for the future you desire. Nourish your mentality good by releasing your bothersome thoughts and allowing the negativity to fade. The …
This channel offers different types of relaxing music combined with 4K and Full HD quality videos with nature or beautiful landscapes. The music is perfect for relaxation, deep sleep, stress relief, …
Предлагаем лёгкий стрейчинг тур с балериной для начинающих на берегу Средиземного моря. Никаких изнуряющих физических нагрузок, только растяжка и медитация. Удовольствие и релакс - вот то чем мы план…
The poem talks about the beauty of silence and how it can be experienced through listening, smelling, seeing, and loving it. The author also shares his personal experience of arguing with silence and…
Tatyana Pomerantseva is a professional yoga instructor with over 4 years of experience. She shares her journey of discovering yoga and how it has helped her connect with her body and the universe. Sh…
Experience the sounds of the Sahara Desert with its amazing terrain and the 'Singing Dunes'. Listen to the wind carrying sand from dune to dune and the horn used by the nomadic Tuareg and Berber trib…
Статья о том, как сознательное восприятие тела может расширить переживание реальности и приносить положительные эмоции. Развитие этой системы может помочь человеку не попадать в ситуационную депресси…
На семинаре 21-22 марта будут рассмотрены способы развития мозга через движения, устройство двигательных систем организма, связь движений с работой разных систем организма, патологическое поведение и…
Лао-Цзы научил своих учеников уроку о бесполезности, используя пример огромного дерева, которое не было вырублено из-за своей непригодности. Он призвал своих учеников быть как это дерево, не стремить…
Ученик Сошин пришел к Мастеру Дого научиться медитации, но не понимал, что уже получал уроки. Мастер объясняет, что медитация - это осознанность в каждом действии, в каждом мгновении. Теги: meditatio…
Real meditation is being in your natural state of consciousness, where no effort is required. It is about giving up the need to do something and just relaxing in your being. This can be difficult bec…
In this post, Marcos Gualberto emphasizes that true happiness comes from within and cannot be contaminated by external factors such as desires, projects, intentions, or premeditation. He argues that …
Self-inquiry involves withdrawing attention from the mind's interests and focusing on the source of everything. By doing so, the egoic mind loses attention and eventually disappears, leaving behind h…
The desire for self-expression and general motivation can only provide ephemeral happiness, joy, and fulfillment. Marcos Gualberto emphasizes that truth is the basis of all genuine manifestation. The…
Статья о том, почему нужно начать медитировать уже сегодня. В ней перечислены 6 причин: развитие осознанности и концентрации внимания, управление эмоциями, ощущение безусловного счастья, свобода от с…
This post discusses the idea that truth and enlightenment cannot be found through effort or practice, but rather through trust and surrender. The post also includes hashtags related to meditation, sp…
Join Grace's online meeting via Paltalk for a unique opportunity to listen to a master who has realized the Self and now lives in complete Sahaja Samadhi state. The meeting takes place every Monday, …
Satsang is not about learning something new, but rather contacting the truth that is already present within you. This post also includes daily posts in Portuguese and various hashtags related to spir…
This text explores the idea that our emotions are controlled by our belief in being someone separate from the world around us. The author encourages self-realization and mindfulness as a means to ove…
Поза лотоса является оптимальной для медитаций и приводит организм в энергетическое равновесие. Сесть в эту позу требует времени и концентрации, а также зависит от кармических предпосылок. Статья сод…
Explore the collection of meditation music by Music for Deep Meditation, featuring Vidura Barrios. The collection includes Lakshmi Mantras for Abundance and Contentment, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Ganesh…
The law of the flesh works against everything spiritual. The flesh is ready to take you to Hell. Intercessory prayer prevents disease from fastening its hold on people. Start your day with blessings.
This article discusses the importance of being aware that humans are spirits and souls inhabiting bodies. It emphasizes the need to develop the human spirit through prayer and spiritual exercises. Th…
The Mind Illuminated explores the concept of consciousness and the mind-system, revealing that the experience of consciousness is the result of the shared receptivity of unconscious sub-minds. The pu…
Sleeping can be a form of meditation if done in excess of the body's requirements. If you persist in sleeping after the body's requirements for rest are over, someone inside you remains aware and bec…