
Rootsman Can't Dead - The Power of Roots Music

The Rootsman Can't Dead song celebrates the power of roots music and its ability to connect people across generations. The lyrics highlight the importance of staying true to one's roots and the role …

Visiting and Enjoying the Beauty of the Place

The article talks about the author's experience with guests and tourists visiting their home. They describe how they were always hospitable and how their guests loved their home. The author also shar…

Books on Southeast Asia's History and Culture

This page features three books on the history and culture of Southeast Asia. 'Southeast Asia - A Historical Encyclopedia, From Angkor Wat to East Timor' by Keat Ooi covers the region's history from a…

12-ый международный турнир по брейкингу и уличному искусству COMBOnation X2 г. Казань

COMBOnation X2 - это 12-ый международный турнир по брейкингу и уличному искусству, который пройдет в г. Казань. В программе мероприятия: танцевальные баттлы, фестивали уличного искусства, культурные …


Join the eccentric lifestyle of the artistic intelligentsia at the Culture with Thriller event. Featuring Tihon Boyko, Excusemymood, Talyfromloud, Smithfromloud, Tyutchenko, Goodforyouskipit, Hellogo…

Balangan Gantal

Balangan Gantal is a traditional wedding procession where the bride and groom toss betel leaves at each other. This procession symbolizes the mutual affection between the couple and the determination…

Pourquoi j'aime le français?

Une étudiante en linguistique partage sa passion pour la langue française, qui l'a enrichie et motivée à en apprendre davantage sur l'histoire, la littérature et la culture française. Elle encourage …

Le défi dans la vie et la culture

Le texte parle du défi dans la vie et la culture. Il souligne que l'effort continu est la clé pour surmonter les difficultés. Il mentionne également le défi du jeûne pendant le Ramadan et la préserva…

Facing the other face of Switzerland

Рассказ о трудностях жизни в Швейцарии, связанных с правилами домашнего хозяйства и потерей любимой вещи. Автор выражает чувство одиночества и усталости от постоянных хлопот.

10 DOs and DON’Ts in Russia

Learn about the dos and don'ts of Russian culture, including the importance of knowing what 'тапочки' are and why you should take your shoes off when entering a Russian home. This article provides he…


Исследование показало, что представление о себе или окружающих может полностью изменить жизнь. Учителя, которые думали, что работают с одаренными детьми, добились исключительных успехов, хотя выбор д…

50 Facts about Russians

This blog post lists 50 interesting facts about Russians, as observed by a Canadian who spent time teaching in Moscow. The list covers topics such as Russian attitudes towards cheapness, gender separ…

Maxim Kantor: Vive La France

Maxim Kantor expresses solidarity with the Parisian newspaper and the fallen journalists. He admires French culture and its freedom from dogma. He argues that the terrorists did not understand that t…