useful phrases

The most popular expressions

A list of commonly used English phrases and expressions with their translations, including greetings, questions, and requests. Useful for beginners learning English or travelers visiting English-spea…

The most popular expressions

A list of commonly used English phrases and expressions, including greetings, questions, and requests. Useful for beginners learning English or travelers visiting English-speaking countries.

Useful English phrases

A list of common English phrases with their translations, including expressions of agreement, doubt, certainty, disbelief, and emotion. Useful for English language learners and anyone looking to impr…

Useful English Phrases

A list of 30 common English phrases with their meanings and usage, including 'Exactly!', 'I doubt it', 'No way', and 'What's the idea of'. Useful for English learners and anyone looking to improve th…

Useful English Phrases

A list of common English phrases with their meanings and usage, including 'Anything goes', 'I doubt it', 'Most likely', 'No way', and more.

Useful English Phrases to Remember

Learn some useful English phrases such as 'by the way', 'a drop in the bucket', 'as I said before', and more. Expand your vocabulary and improve your communication skills with these phrases.