Батальный романс неизвестного автора
Представляем Вам батальный романс неизвестного автора, который исполняли маститые мэтры. Романс повествует о загадочных перипетиях второй отечественной войны и трагической судьбе немецкого летчика, с…
Представляем Вам батальный романс неизвестного автора, который исполняли маститые мэтры. Романс повествует о загадочных перипетиях второй отечественной войны и трагической судьбе немецкого летчика, с…
A letter addressed to God with no actual address was received by a postal worker. The letter was from an 83-year-old widow who had her purse stolen and had no money to buy food for her friends who we…
A man is dining in a fancy restaurant and is checking out a gorgeous redhead sitting at the next table. Suddenly, she sneezes, and her glass eye comes flying out of its socket toward the man. He refl…
No One Asked for This is a darkly funny collection of essays by Cazzie David, exploring misanthropy, social media, anxiety, relationships, and growing up in a wildly eccentric family. With wit, bleak…
This humorous poem explores the various reasons why a boy might not text back, including being a detective, fighting spiders, or being stuck in the past. Ultimately, the poem suggests that if a boy i…
Прямой репортаж с места событий в SLA. Беседа между персонажами, в том числе с директором и алхимиком. Шутки, прозвища, мат и другие приколы. Разговоры о гранатовом соке и ЕЗ.
Романс 'Анархистъ' - это шедевр старой-доброй классики от Дореволюционного советчика. Текст романса описывает жизнь анархиста в губернии Тобольской и его стремление к прогрессивным кругам. Романс нап…
The author argues that humor should not be taboo in serious discussions, as it does not make the topic any less serious. Solemnity, on the other hand, serves only to feed pomposity and egotism. The a…
The poem 'Sick' by Shel Silverstein describes a child's exaggerated list of illnesses to avoid going to school, only to find out it's a weekend and she can go out to play. The poem is humorous and sh…
Представляем вашему вниманию романс оркестра "Таранное Каменье", сочиненный Тимофеем Линдеманном на основе записок Кюхельбекера, друга Пушкина. Страница содержит стихи и юмористические отсылки к музы…
René Maltête was a French photographer, poet, and humorist who captured amusing situations in everyday life. He started taking pictures at 16 and went on to publish several books, including 'Paris de…
В данном тексте описывается небольшое государство, которое стало свидетелем аномальных явлений. Правительство собралось на вече, чтобы решить, как бороться с темными силами. В то же время владыка тьм…
Um casal faz um desafio para descobrir quem é mais provável de fazer determinadas coisas em seu relacionamento. Eles compartilham suas respostas e desejam um feliz dia dos namorados para todos. O pos…
This page lists the eight 'I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts' of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, a satirical deity created to criticize the teaching of intelligent design in schools. The 'commandments' inc…
A humorous take on the targeted ads on Facebook, this text satirizes the get-rich-quick schemes that promise to teach you the secrets of making money. The author pokes fun at the over-the-top claims …
Это страница с мемом в виде лица Ленни из аниме, которое движется вниз и вызывает улыбку. Теги: смешное, мем, юмор.
Two boys steal a bag of oranges and go to a cemetery to divide them. A drunkard hears them and thinks they are ghosts sharing corpses. He runs to a church to get the priest. When they return, the voi…
This is a humorous meme featuring a face with a suggestive expression and a text asking if the viewer is capable of doing something. The meme is meant to be funny and lighthearted.
Статья о том, что компьютерная графика не лишена души, и что 3D артисты также могут создавать прекрасное и душевное. Описывается, что изучает оператор в своей профессии и что изучает тридешник.
Enjoy a collection of silly questions and witty responses that will make you laugh out loud. From cheesy pick-up lines to sarcastic comebacks, these jokes are sure to brighten up your day.
A little girl expresses her ambition to become the President and help homeless people. The narrator suggests that she can start by doing small acts of kindness, but the girl questions why the homeles…
This is a song called 'Daddy Wasn't There' that is dedicated to all the abandoned, orphaned, and adopted kids. The lyrics are humorous and talk about various situations where the singer's father wasn…
Este texto é uma declaração de amizade verdadeira, com muitas risadas, brigas e amor. A autora descreve a amizade com sua amiga, incluindo momentos engraçados e situações difíceis. Ela destaca a impo…
This page contains a list of 20 silly questions with witty and sarcastic answers. The questions cover a range of topics from love to coffee, and even include a few jokes about teachers and doctors. I…
A humorous retelling of the events leading up to World War 1 as if it were a bar fight, with various countries representing different patrons. The story ends with casualties and injuries, highlightin…
In this humorous open letter, an Irishman addresses ISIS and expresses his country's disinterest in joining their fight. He also warns them not to judge Ireland based on the actions of other countrie…
This page contains a list of 20 stupid questions with smart answers that will make you laugh. The questions are mostly related to love and relationships, and the answers are witty and sarcastic. It's…
O texto fala sobre a união e amizade entre um grupo de amigos que se autodenominam 'cafajestes'. Eles se apoiam mutuamente, mesmo quando estão errados, e valorizam as zoações e o humor. A lista de no…
Earth: A Visitor's Guide to the Human Race is an audiobook narrated by Jon Stewart and other comedians from The Daily Show. It explores the history and achievements of the human race in society, gove…
This page lists 9 things that the author hates about people, including pet peeves such as asking for the time when there's a watch available, searching for the TV remote instead of manually changing …
Uma jovem volta da lua de mel e reclama com a mãe sobre o marido, que a teria abusado sexualmente durante toda a viagem. A mãe a aconselha a dizer que está menstruada para ter um tempo de descanso. Q…
Cerita lucu tentang seorang anak lugu yang bertanya kepada ibunya tentang beberapa kata yang ia tidak mengerti. Kemudian, ia mencoba menggunakan kata-kata tersebut ketika bertemu dengan Pak RT yang m…
Seorang nenek genit masuk ke BI dengan sekoper uang dan ingin bertemu dengan GBI. Ia akan membuka rekening dengan simpanan yang sangat besar. Nenek ini menang tebak-tebakan dan membuat taruhan dengan…
A well-dressed couple invites the protagonist to kiss Hank's ass in exchange for a million dollars. The protagonist questions the legitimacy of the offer and the couple's claims, leading to a bizarre…