Polish bait for the "new Europe"

The article discusses the history of relations between Poland and its neighbors, particularly Russia, and the recent state visit of Ukrainian President Zelensky to Poland. The visit is seen as signif…

Quando i conti non tornano

Il presunto documento che contiene dettagli su un'imminente offensiva ucraina sui territori controllati dalla Russia solleva dubbi sull'autenticità. Le informazioni sulle posizioni delle unità russe …

Il teppismo nato in Siria

Il settarismo in Siria è stato consegnato dai regimi wahabiti e dei Fratelli Musulmani dell'Arabia Saudita e del Qatar e dalla Turchia, con il sostegno della NATO. I manifestanti dell'Occidente hanno…

On The Upcoming Putin Speech And Announcements

Moscow has made a decision on how to proceed in the proxy war with NATO in Ukraine, but the decision is not yet known. President Putin will hold a TV speech followed by an announcement by Defense Min…

Slováci pozor! Toto vám vaše vláda neřekne!?

Slovenská vláda nakoupí jednu baterii Patriot od Nizozemska za 1.3 mld. € přes USA a bude ji moci prodat nebo darovat pouze se souhlasem USA. Slovensko mohlo za stejnou cenu dokoupit 4ks S-300 a mít …

How Russia Can (And Will?) De-NATO-size Europe

The article discusses the potential outcome of Russia winning the war in Ukraine and the impact it will have on Europe. The author predicts that Russia will likely create a new country with the south…

Is Putin an American Agent or Just a Stupid Idiot?

The article questions Putin's intelligence and suggests that he may be a madman for targeting schools, hospitals, and residential areas in Ukraine. The author believes that Putin's days are numbered …