
Fictional City: A Poem of Love and Longing

Experience the beauty and longing of a fictional city through this poem. The warm air, fine rain, and stars that become knives all come to life in this vivid description. The poem speaks of a steel-b…

The Path of Love: A Mathematical Ode

This poem uses mathematical concepts and language to describe a relationship. The speaker compares their love to a 'finite simple group of order two' and uses other mathematical metaphors throughout …

Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Listen to the poem Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge on this website. The poem describes the palace built by Kubla Khan in the blessed land of Xanadu, surrounded by gardens and streams. The poem …

E. E. Cummings (1894 - 1962) - My Love

This poem by E. E. Cummings is a beautiful tribute to the poet's love. The poem describes the various parts of the poet's lover's body, comparing them to different things in nature and royalty. The p…

Let Me Speak: A Poem of Bitterness and Sorrow

The poem 'Let Me Speak' expresses the bitterness and sorrow of the speaker, who feels abandoned by God and plagued by suffering. The speaker questions why they have been cursed and why the wicked pro…